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KonText interface: Version history
The corpus interface KonText is designed for general interaction with CNC corpora. A comprehensive list of KonText’s available functions can be found in the manual.
KonText is an extended and visually modified version of the original NoSketch Engine application. It is developed by the Institute of the Czech National Corpus (Faculty of Arts, Charles University) and the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University) under the GNU GPL 2 license (with Tomáš Machálek as the main developer). Just as the NoSketch Engine, KonText uses Manatee as its backend.
The version history overview below contains only the most signicant changes as seen from the end-user perspective. A complete list of all changes and bug fixes can be found on KonText's GitHub page which also hosts a complete source code repository.
Release 0.15.0
Publication date: 18. 12. 2020
User changes:
- redefined query types
- advanced (equivalent to the original “CQL”)
- simple
- multi-word search,
- optional support for regular expressions,
- optional (per corpus) default search attributes,
- interactive query expression specification (e.g. for a homonym disambiguation)
- new calendar-based widget for specifying date intervals in text type selection,
- syntax_viewer plug-in enhancement - added support for new features of SYN2020
- new plug-in query_suggest providing interactive help with writing a query,
- the token_connect plug-in can be now used also as a source for an alternative KWIC detail view
- added a new module “formatted text”,
- the taghelper plug-in now supports also “key-value” tagsets and it is also possible to define multiple tagsets for a corpus,
- new option for displaying additional positional attributes - below the main text tokens,
- it is now possible to set any positional attribute as the main one in the concordance view,
- more user friendly module “Corpus-specific settings”,
- the “Specify context” section of the main query form has been redesigned,
- it is now possible to perform more complex searches (billion corpora, aligned corpora with only first language query filled in) without
being limited by web-server's time limit,
- an archived URL of a freq. distribution or a collocation can be now restored even for complex queries without being closed too soon
by a web server.
Technical changes:
- the server-side has been rewritten to Python 3
- added support for a new asychronnous task processing backend Rq; the new backend is now the default one,
- the client-side has been rewritten using the same framework as in case of the WaG application,
- a synchronization between web server and backend worker queue has been rewritten in case of concordance calculation,
- changes in HTTP API.
Release 0.13.0
Publication date: 9. 12. 2019
- rewrite of HTML templates to Jinja2
- transition to React.JS framework, which resulted mainly in extensive changes of the code and, to a lesser extent, also in user interface elements (e.g. corpus-specific view settings are now in three tabs)
- preparing future functionality support
Release 0.12.0
Publication date: 30. 10. 2018
- translation equivalents based on Treq directly displayed in KonText for parallel corpora (set up for InterCorp v10 and v11)
- CQL editor with syntax highlighting and basic value validation
- mixed mode for attribute displaying (directly in text for KWIC, on mouse-over for other tokens)
- sharing a named subcorpus and its description with other users
- new filter functions
- nested matches filter
- first hits in docs filter
- asynchronous exports with notification
- improved keyboard navigation on the query result page
- possibility to minimize individual text type boxes in the subcorpus form
Release 0.11.0
Publication date: 15. 12. 2017
- 2-dimensional frequency distribution with confidence intervals, including export of the data into Excel
- added support for undo in the interactive text selection
- added support for undo in the tag builder
- improved query history
- query history items can be archived with a custom name for later reuse
- full query form is now saved which includes also selected texts
- i.p.m. on demand calculation now works only in well-defined situations (i.e. subcorpus selected using the respective form, rather than a CQL query)
- chart depicting line group proportions can be exported into Excel
- word list
- more convenient upload and in-browser editing of uploaded black/white-lists
- it is now possible to go directly to the last page
- added support for hiding individual columns of parallel corpora in concordance view
Release 0.10.0
Publication date: 11. 4. 2017
- for spoken corpora, concordance detail views are rendered as dialogues with clear indication of speaker turns and overlaps where audio can be played back by clicking the “speaker” icon
- documents for subcorpora can newly also be selected according to user-defined text type ratios
- individual query processing steps within the breadcrumb navigation can now be edited, allowing the user to change the parameters of previous operations
- working corpus can now be changed without losing other information from the current query form
- manually grouped concordance lines are now distinguished by colours
- web page titles contain query information (for use in bookmarks and better browser history navigation)
Release 0.9.0
Publication date: 26. 9. 2016
- displaying of syntactic structures
- asynchronous creation of subcorpora including a support for creating alignement-based subcorpora from parallel corpora
- for attributes with long lists of values, a text input auto-complete function has been added for easier subcorpus creation
- positional attributes can be displayed also on a mouse-over
- navigation between concordance pages without reloading the whole page
- frequency distribution and collocation results are now cached on server for faster pagination
- user-defined numeric concordance line labels can be now renamed/removed
- added support for displaying line numbers in a concordance
Release 0.8.0
Publication date: 8. 3. 2016
- concordance lines can have user-defined numeric labels attached for manual grouping/categorization
- i.p.m. calculation for ad-hoc subcorpora (on demand; previous versions calculated i.p.m. from the whole corpus which could have been confusing)
- support for creating subcorpora based on conditions that contain different structures (e.g. <speaker sex=“male” /> and <session id=“foo.+” />)
- added a breadcrumb navigation depicting consecutive steps that led to the current query result
Release 0.7.0
Publication date: 5. 10. 2015
- new widget for corpus selection including favourite corpora, featured corpora etc.
- rewritten “View” menu functions
- enhancements of user interface usability (e.g. adding an aligned corpus)