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en:manualy:kontext:konkordance [2024/11/05 11:39] – [Shuffle] michalskrabalen:manualy:kontext:konkordance [2024/11/05 11:49] (current) – [Navigation with concordance editing sequence] michalskrabal
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-The text of the link in the **Query** item always shows a simplified representation of the query entered by the user, followed by the number of occurrences in parentheses. The query can be displayed and edited using the link, i.e. its parameters can be changed directly above the search results (without the need to enter a new query). This feature is especially useful if you want to refine or update the original query. When editing a query, you must also decide whether the following operations should be performed on the concordance. These include a useful shuffle option (this can be run manually from the menu **Concordance → Shuffle** or set as default in the menu **View → General view options**, see below for details), so it is usually a good idea to leave the option **Perform automatically also subsequent operations** checked.+The text of the link in the **Query** item always shows a simplified representation of the query entered by the user, followed by the number of occurrences in parentheses. The query can be displayed and edited using the link, i.e. its parameters can be changed directly above the search results (without the need to enter a new query). This feature is especially useful if you want to refine or update the original query. When editing a query, you must also decide whether the following operations should be performed on the concordance. These include a useful shuffle option (this can be switched on directly in the query form or run later from the menu **Concordance → Shuffle**), so it is usually a good idea to leave the option **Perform automatically also subsequent operations** checked.
 The subsequent navigation items represent the steps in the edit sequence that change the form and extent of the concordance. These can be manipulated in a similar way as the initial query.  The subsequent navigation items represent the steps in the edit sequence that change the form and extent of the concordance. These can be manipulated in a similar way as the initial query.