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Rozhraní aplikace Alpha

The Alpha application is as a natural language to Corpus Query Language (CQL) translator.

If you write your queries in Czech, it will translate them into CQL formalism suitable for direct use in KonText search engine, including morphological tags etc. It will respond to English queries with tags typical for Universal Dependencies. These are so far only usable with InterCorp corpora in version 13UD, which are annotated according to this standard.

Short tutorial and various ideas on how to use the tool can be found directly in the application. It appears when you press the question mark button. More extensive introduction to be found in this tutorial video.

Příklady použití

Change the corpus name to intercorp_v13ud_de, then try query find all lemmata that begin with “schei” and are dependent on an object, Alpha should translate this sentence as [lemma="schei.*" & p_deprel="obj"].

Or you can try Czech language: najdi slovo „na“ následované lemmatem „hrad“, this query translates as [lc="na"][lemma="hrad"]. Note that the words you want to find must be in quotes, this will make it clear if you want to find for example /a noun/ i.e. [upos="NOUN|PROPN"], or „a noun“, i.e. [word="a"][lc="noun"].

Jak citovat Alphu

Milička, J.: Alpha: Překladač z přirozeného jazyka do CQL. FF UK. Praha 2020. Dostupný z WWW: <http://www.alpha.korpus.cz>.