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en:cnk:skript2012 [2016/09/26 15:11] vaclavcvrceken:cnk:skript2012 [2016/09/26 15:12] (current) – [Corpus SKRIPT2012] vaclavcvrcek
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 ====== Corpus SKRIPT2012 ====== ====== Corpus SKRIPT2012 ======
-Corpus SKRIPT2012 is a learner corpus covering the written language of Czech pupils and students at elementarxy and secondary schools. It consists of transcripts of student's written assignments which were produced during their language classes. It contains 708,668 positions. +Corpus SKRIPT2012 is a learner corpus aiming at representing the written language of Czech pupils and students at elementarxy and secondary schools. It consists of transcripts of student's written assignments which were produced during their language classes. It contains 708,668 positions. 
 ===== Citing SKRIPT2012 ===== ===== Citing SKRIPT2012 =====