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-====== Karel Havlíček’s Correspondence Corpus ======+====== Karel Havlíček’s Journalism Corpus ======
 Karel Havlíček’s Journalism Corpus (KH-NOVINY) contains all journalistic text written by Karel Havlíček (1821—1856) and published in his periodicals Pražské noviny (Prague Newspaper, 1846—1848), including its supplement Česká včela (The Czech Bee), and Národní noviny (National Newspaper, 1848—1850). The activities of Karel Havlíček, the founder of modern Czech journalism, document the history of substantial political and social changes in the era when the press became an exceptionally open platform for venting new political, economic and social opinions. Karel Havlíček’s Journalism Corpus (KH-NOVINY) contains all journalistic text written by Karel Havlíček (1821—1856) and published in his periodicals Pražské noviny (Prague Newspaper, 1846—1848), including its supplement Česká včela (The Czech Bee), and Národní noviny (National Newspaper, 1848—1850). The activities of Karel Havlíček, the founder of modern Czech journalism, document the history of substantial political and social changes in the era when the press became an exceptionally open platform for venting new political, economic and social opinions.