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en:eebo:specify_query [2016/11/22 10:48] veronikapojarovaen:eebo:specify_query [2018/07/30 14:44] (current) – [Lesson 4: Specify query] vaclavcvrcek
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-In this lesson we will have a look at how we can further specify the query using various features of the KonText interface. EEBO is a historical corpus and therefore will be especially useful for diachronic searches that map how certain linguistic phenomena have developed over time. +In this lesson we will have a look at how we can further specify the query using various features of the [[en:manualy:kontext:index|KonText]] interface. [[en:cnk:eebo|EEBO]] is a historical corpus and therefore will be especially useful for diachronic searches that map how certain linguistic phenomena have developed over time. 
 ====== Specify query according to the meta-information ====== ====== Specify query according to the meta-information ======