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en:manualy:akalex [2021/02/13 16:44] – created dominikakovarikovaen:manualy:akalex [2021/03/15 09:15] (current) – [Akalex: Czech Academic Word List] vaclavcvrcek
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 ====== Akalex: Czech Academic Word List ====== ====== Akalex: Czech Academic Word List ======
 +{{ :manualy:akalex_logo.png?nolink&200|}}
 The Akalex application is dedicated primarily to the Czech Academic Word List. Its main goal is to provide users from the academic sphere with a list of the most common academic words and phrases in Czech, similar to academic word lists of English and other languages. The list can serve as a teaching or writing aid, especially for undergraduate students. It is also intended for university students with Czech as a second language. The Akalex application is dedicated primarily to the Czech Academic Word List. Its main goal is to provide users from the academic sphere with a list of the most common academic words and phrases in Czech, similar to academic word lists of English and other languages. The list can serve as a teaching or writing aid, especially for undergraduate students. It is also intended for university students with Czech as a second language.
-In addition, the application also provides data for further research of academic Czech. It contains thousands of n-grams (1- to 6-grams) that meet two basic conditions: n-grams are at least twice as common in academic texts as in the reference corpus, and they occur in at least eight of the 24 scientific disciplines in the SYN2015 corpus. +In addition, the application also provides data for further research of academic Czech. It contains thousands of n-grams (1- to 6-grams) that meet two basic conditions: n-grams are at least twice as common in academic texts as in the reference corpus, and they occur in at least eight of the 24 scientific disciplines in the [[en:cnk:syn2015|SYN2015]] corpus.  
 +Application is available at **https://www.korpus.cz/akalex/**.  
 +===== How to cite Akalex ===== 
 +<WRAP round tip 80%> 
 +Kováříková, D., Kovářík, O. : Akalex. FF UK. Praha 2021. Available at WWW: <http://www.korpus.cz/akalex>