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en:manualy:kwords [2023/11/13 09:53] – [Keywords] vaclavcvrceken:manualy:kwords [2023/11/13 10:01] (current) – [KWords] vaclavcvrcek
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 {{ :manualy:kwords_logo_v2.png?nolink&|}} {{ :manualy:kwords_logo_v2.png?nolink&|}}
-The KWords application is used for the analysis of texts based on their comparison with the general usage ([[en:pojmy:referencni|reference]] corpus). Its aim is to identify so-called [[en:pojmy:keyword|keywords]], which are [[en:pojmy:word|word forms]] appearing in the inspected text with a significantly higher frequency than in the reference corpus which should reflect the common usage. These key words serve as a basis for textual analysis and interpretation.+The KWords application is used for the analysis of texts based on their comparison with the general usage ([[en:pojmy:referencni|reference]] corpus). Its aim is to identify so-called [[en:pojmy:keyword|keywords]], which are [[en:pojmy:word|word forms]] or [[en:pojmy:lemma|lemmas]] appearing in the inspected text with a significantly higher frequency than in the reference corpus which should reflect the common usage. These key words serve as a basis for textual analysis and interpretation.
 KWords is an online application (the only thing we need to use it is a web browser) and it is accessible without  [[en:kurz:zaciname|registration]] to all users at  **[[http://kwords.korpus.cz|kwords.korpus.cz]]**.  KWords is an online application (the only thing we need to use it is a web browser) and it is accessible without  [[en:kurz:zaciname|registration]] to all users at  **[[http://kwords.korpus.cz|kwords.korpus.cz]]**.