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en:manualy:kontext:novy_dotaz [2024/02/08 12:23] – [Keywords analysis] michalkrenen:manualy:kontext:novy_dotaz [2024/02/12 15:58] (current) jankocek
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 ===== Keyword analysis ===== ===== Keyword analysis =====
 +[{{ :en:manualy:kontext:analyza_k_slov_en.png?direct&400|List of keywords in the ORAL v1 corpus compared to the SYN2020 reference corpus}}]
 The KonText interface can generate an inventory of keywords, i.e., forms or lemmas appearing in the selected (sub)corpus significantly more often than in the reference (sub)corpus, reflecting common language usage. (The analysis of keywords in the users’ texts is enabled by [[en:manualy:kwords|the specialized KWords application]].) The KonText interface can generate an inventory of keywords, i.e., forms or lemmas appearing in the selected (sub)corpus significantly more often than in the reference (sub)corpus, reflecting common language usage. (The analysis of keywords in the users’ texts is enabled by [[en:manualy:kwords|the specialized KWords application]].)
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 The resulting list of keywords in the form of a table is sorted according to the selected metric, with the remaining two also displayed, followed in the next columns by the absolute and relative frequency values in both corpora. The list of found keywords can be viewed in both corpora in the respective concordance through the positive filter (<fc #4682b4>p</fc> to the right of the absolute frequency value). The resulting list of keywords in the form of a table is sorted according to the selected metric, with the remaining two also displayed, followed in the next columns by the absolute and relative frequency values in both corpora. The list of found keywords can be viewed in both corpora in the respective concordance through the positive filter (<fc #4682b4>p</fc> to the right of the absolute frequency value).
-FIXME List of keywords in the ORAL v1 corpus compared to the SYN2020 reference corpus