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en:manualy:kontext:frekvence [2023/03/13 14:15] lukesen:manualy:kontext:frekvence [2023/03/13 14:17] (current) – [Custom settings of frequency distribution] lukes
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 ===== Custom settings of frequency distribution  ===== ===== Custom settings of frequency distribution  =====
-The form which appears after clicking on the option **Frequency → Custom** offers four options:+The form which appears after clicking on the menu item **Frequency → Custom** offers four options:
   - multilevel frequency distribution (which can be used to analyze [[en:pojmy:atributy_pozicni|positional attributes]]) such as word, lemma, sublemma, tag, verbtag, etc.)    - multilevel frequency distribution (which can be used to analyze [[en:pojmy:atributy_pozicni|positional attributes]]) such as word, lemma, sublemma, tag, verbtag, etc.)