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en:seznamy:kontext_verze [2024/11/21 14:52] – [Release 0.18.0] michalkrenen:seznamy:kontext_verze [2024/11/21 14:54] (current) – [Release 0.18.0] michalkren
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 User changes: User changes:
-    * new keyword analysis module compatible with the [[https://kwords.korpus.cz/|KWords web application]] +    * new **keyword analysis** module compatible with the [[https://kwords.korpus.cz/|KWords web application]] 
-    * displaying translation equivalents directly in a concordance in parallel corpora by clicking on the selected word (new ''tokens_linking'' plug-in) +    * displaying **translation equivalents directly in a concordance** in parallel corpora by clicking on the selected word (new ''tokens_linking'' plug-in) 
-    * possibility to download a list of documents matching selected text types +    * possibility to download a **list of documents matching selected text types** 
-    * JSONL as a new optional format for storing results (concordance, word list, collocations, frequency list, document list), where each document line contains a separate JSON string -- the format is particularly suitable for further automated processing +    * JSONL as a **new optional format for storing the results** (concordance, word list, collocations, frequency list, document list), where each document line contains a separate JSON string -- the format is particularly suitable for further automated processing 
-    * improved linking from external applications to KonText+    * improved **linking from external applications** to KonText
       * multi-step operations (e.g. query + filter) with the possibility of subsequent editing in respective query forms       * multi-step operations (e.g. query + filter) with the possibility of subsequent editing in respective query forms
       * support for non-token filter ranges when linking to KonText (e.g. "from ''-1s'' to ''1s''")       * support for non-token filter ranges when linking to KonText (e.g. "from ''-1s'' to ''1s''")