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en:pojmy:kwic [2024/02/08 10:09] – [KWIC] michalskrabalen:pojmy:kwic [2024/02/08 10:15] (current) – [KWIC] michalskrabal
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 KWIC is the English abbreviation of //key word in context//, which is used to label the search term (or a sequence of terms) in contexts of various sizes. The Czech equivalent //keyword// is homonymous with the term denoting items which are prominent thanks to their frequency in the text, serving as a basis for text analysis. ([[en:pojmy:keyword|keyword]]). KWIC is the English abbreviation of //key word in context//, which is used to label the search term (or a sequence of terms) in contexts of various sizes. The Czech equivalent //keyword// is homonymous with the term denoting items which are prominent thanks to their frequency in the text, serving as a basis for text analysis. ([[en:pojmy:keyword|keyword]]).
-KWIC is the basic part of every corpus [[en:pojmy:konkordance|concordance]] and is usually graphically differentiated from the surrounding (context) words. Depending on the query type it can represent one word or a sequence of words ([[en:pojmy:ngram|n-gram]]). In parallel corpora, foreign counterparts of a given word can be highlighted within the KonText interface. +KWIC is the basic part of every corpus [[en:pojmy:konkordance|concordance]] and is usually graphically differentiated from the surrounding (context) words. Depending on the query type it can represent one word or a sequence of words ([[en:pojmy:ngram|n-gram]]).
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