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en:manualy:morfio [2021/02/10 10:27] michalskrabalen:manualy:morfio [2021/03/09 15:12] (current) jankocek
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 ====== Morfio ====== ====== Morfio ======
-{{ kurz:morfio-logo.png?nolink&200|}}+{{ :manualy:morfio_logo.png?nolink&200|}}
 The //[[https://morfio.korpus.cz|Morfio]]// application serves to give estimates of the extent and productivity of morphological models in Czech based on corpus data. It is therefore a tool which can be used in morphological research, especially for the study of derivation. The //[[https://morfio.korpus.cz|Morfio]]// application serves to give estimates of the extent and productivity of morphological models in Czech based on corpus data. It is therefore a tool which can be used in morphological research, especially for the study of derivation.