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en:manualy:morfio [2020/02/19 17:59] – [Alternace] michalskrabalen:manualy:morfio [2021/03/09 15:12] (current) jankocek
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 ====== Morfio ====== ====== Morfio ======
-{{ kurz:morfio-logo.png?nolink&200|}}+{{ :manualy:morfio_logo.png?nolink&200|}}
 The //[[https://morfio.korpus.cz|Morfio]]// application serves to give estimates of the extent and productivity of morphological models in Czech based on corpus data. It is therefore a tool which can be used in morphological research, especially for the study of derivation. The //[[https://morfio.korpus.cz|Morfio]]// application serves to give estimates of the extent and productivity of morphological models in Czech based on corpus data. It is therefore a tool which can be used in morphological research, especially for the study of derivation.
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 Generally every morphological relation -- excluding the semantic component, which cannot be easily grasped computationally -- is created by two other factors: Generally every morphological relation -- excluding the semantic component, which cannot be easily grasped computationally -- is created by two other factors:
-  - a formal congurence/similarity in particular parts of the word, so-called **bases** (e.g. //dřev-// is held in common by the words //dřevo// and //dřevěný//+  - a formal congruence/similarity in particular parts of the word, so-called **bases** (e.g. //dřev-// is held in common by the words //dřevo// and //dřevěný//
   - formal differences in specific parts, so-called **formants** (morphs //-o// and //-ěný// from the previous example).    - formal differences in specific parts, so-called **formants** (morphs //-o// and //-ěný// from the previous example). 
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 ==== Alternations ==== ==== Alternations ====
 +To require a precise congruence of form between the individual members of the morphological model would be impractical for a language such as Czech, due to the fact that within the morphological processes there are frequently cases of regular phoneme **alternations** in the base.  The Morfio application reckons with alternations and their range can be set (e.g. the alternation of //e -- é// in //letět -- létat//; //i -- e// in //prosit -- prošen//; //r -- ř// in //starý -- stařec//; //sk -- šť// in //český -- čeština// etc.).
-To require a precise congruence of form between the individual members of the morphological model would be impractical for a language such as Czech, due to the fact that within the morphological processes there are frequently cases of regular phoneme **alternations** in the base.  The Morfio application reckons with alternations and their range acan be set (e.g. the alternation of //e -- é// in //letět -- létat//; //i -- e// in //prosit -- prošen//; //r -- ř// in //starý -- stařec//; //sk -- šť// in //český -- čeština// etc.).+===== Non-Czech versions ===== 
 +Morfio has also been successfully adapted to other languages: Polish and Latvian. The language can be switched at the top of the query form under the Language option (the default is Czech). 
 ===== Application images ===== ===== Application images =====
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 [{{:kurz:morfio-prod.png?direct&200|An estimate of the productivity of the individual types}}] [{{:kurz:morfio-prod.png?direct&200|An estimate of the productivity of the individual types}}]
 [{{:kurz:morfio-help.png?direct&200|Morfio application help}}] [{{:kurz:morfio-help.png?direct&200|Morfio application help}}]
 +===== How to cite Morfio =====
 +<WRAP round tip 80%>
 +Cvrček, V. – Vondřička, P.: Morfio. FF UK. Praha 2013. Dostupný z WWW: <http://morfio.korpus.cz>.
 +Cvrček, V. – Vondřička, P. (2013): Nástroj pro slovotvornou analýzu jazykového korpusu. //Gramatika a korpus 2012//. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus.
 +**Non-Czech versions:**
 +Zasina, A. J. (2017): Konkurence koncovek -a a -u v genitivu singuláru neživotných maskulin v polštině. In: M. Stluka – M. Škrabal (eds.): Liſka a czban – Sborník příspěvků k 70. narozeninám prof. Karla Kučery. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, s. 90–98.
 +Škrabal, M. – Vondřička, P. – Cvrček, V. (2020): Morfio – A Corpus-Based Perspective on Latvian Morphology. In: A. Utka et al. (eds.): Human Language Technologies – The Baltic Perspective. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference Baltic HLT 2020. Amsterdam: IOS Press, s. 207–214.
 ==== Related links ==== ==== Related links ====