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en:manualy:mapka [2023/09/06 14:51] – [Mapka: map application for corpora of spoken Czech] michalkrenen:manualy:mapka [2024/08/26 14:15] (current) tomascapka
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 Each dialectal region is provided with number of samples featuring **authentic discourses** chosen from the ORAL, ORTOFON and DIALEKT corpora.\\ Each dialectal region is provided with number of samples featuring **authentic discourses** chosen from the ORAL, ORTOFON and DIALEKT corpora.\\
 Samples chosen from the **DIALEKT** corpus demonstrate the most typical dialectal features of the given regions. For each dialectal region we selected examples from the old data collection set (the period between the 1950s and the 1980s) and examples from the new data collection set (from the 1990s until the present day). The samples consist of an audio recording and its two transcripts, dialectological and orthographic.\\ Samples chosen from the **DIALEKT** corpus demonstrate the most typical dialectal features of the given regions. For each dialectal region we selected examples from the old data collection set (the period between the 1950s and the 1980s) and examples from the new data collection set (from the 1990s until the present day). The samples consist of an audio recording and its two transcripts, dialectological and orthographic.\\
-Samples chosen from the **ORAL** and **ORTOFON** corpora represent spontaneous informal speech in everyday informal situations (such as conversation at home, during meal, at work or in a restaurant). The speakers were chosen so that they originated from the region where the recording was made. They don't speak dialect, however, their their speech contains regional features. +Samples chosen from the **ORAL** and **ORTOFON** corpora represent spontaneous informal speech in everyday informal situations (such as conversation at home, during meal, at work or in a restaurant). The speakers were chosen to originate from the region where the recording was made. Although they don't speak dialect, their speech contains regional features. 
 ===== Searching and creating maps ===== ===== Searching and creating maps =====
-The application includes the option of searching for municipalities in the Czech Republic and including them in the system for the division of dialectal regions or administrative units. Additional data can be displayed as well, such as count of recordings and speakers connected with this municipality. Users can proceed to add these points to the map and in doing so create **their own map**that can be downloaded afterwards.+The application includes the option of searching for municipalities in the Czech Republic and including them in the system for the division of dialectal regions or administrative units. Additional data can be displayed as well, such as the number of recordings and speakers connected with this municipality. Users can plot the searched localities on the map using markers, whose colour can be chosen, and thus create their own map. The created map can be savedthen reloaded into the application and continue editing. A screenshot of such a map can be used in a publication (e.g. bachelor or master thesis, article, etc.), but please make sure to cite the Map application properly. Using the Export function, all displayed markers can be exported in GeoJSON format. Such a file can then be opened e.g. in [[https://geojson.io/|geojson.io]] or imported in [[https://qgis.org/|QGIS]]. 
 ===== How to cite Mapka ===== ===== How to cite Mapka =====