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en:cnk:uvod [2024/05/24 18:46] – [Corpora of the Czech National Corpus project] alexandrrosenen:cnk:uvod [2024/10/01 10:52] (current) – [Corpora of the Czech National Corpus project] michalkren
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 | [[en:cnk:koditex|Koditex]] |  10.8M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2018  | corpus for multi-dimensional analysis of Czech registers | | [[en:cnk:koditex|Koditex]] |  10.8M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2018  | corpus for multi-dimensional analysis of Czech registers |
 | [[en:cnk:ksk-dopisy|KSK-DOPISY]] |  800k |  ✗  |  ✗  |  2006  | transcriptions of handwritten correspondence from 1990--2004 | | [[en:cnk:ksk-dopisy|KSK-DOPISY]] |  800k |  ✗  |  ✗  |  2006  | transcriptions of handwritten correspondence from 1990--2004 |
-| [[en:cnk:ksp|KSP]] |  35.5M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2022  | corpus of contemporary Czech poetry published in books and on literary servers from 1990--2020 |+| [[en:cnk:ksp|KSP]] (version 2) |  37.5M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2022  | corpus of contemporary Czech poetry published in books and on literary servers from 1990--2020 |
 | [[en:cnk:link|LINK]] |  1.8M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2010  | non-reference corpus of linguistic texts | | [[en:cnk:link|LINK]] |  1.8M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2010  | non-reference corpus of linguistic texts |
 | [[en:cnk:totalita|Totalita]] |  12,9M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2010  | written language of the communist regime | | [[en:cnk:totalita|Totalita]] |  12,9M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2010  | written language of the communist regime |
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 | **General corpora** |||||| | **General corpora** ||||||
 | [[en:cnk:orator|ORATOR]] (version 2) |  1.2M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2019  | reference corpus of monologues with one-layer transcription | | [[en:cnk:orator|ORATOR]] (version 2) |  1.2M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2019  | reference corpus of monologues with one-layer transcription |
-| [[en:cnk:ortofon|ORTOFON]] (version 2) |  2.1M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2017  | reference representative corpus of informal spoken Czech with two-layer transcription (covers Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia) |+| [[en:cnk:ortofon|ORTOFON]] (version 3) |  2.4M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2017  | reference representative corpus of informal spoken Czech with two-layer transcription (covers Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia) |
 | [[en:cnk:oral|ORAL]] (version 1) |  5,4M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2017  | reference corpus of informal spoken Czech (covers Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia) | | [[en:cnk:oral|ORAL]] (version 1) |  5,4M |  ✓  |  ✓  |  2017  | reference corpus of informal spoken Czech (covers Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia) |
 | [[en:cnk:oral2013|ORAL2013]] |  2.8M |  ✗  |  ✗  |  2013  | reference representative corpus of informal spoken Czech (covers Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia) | | [[en:cnk:oral2013|ORAL2013]] |  2.8M |  ✗  |  ✗  |  2013  | reference representative corpus of informal spoken Czech (covers Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia) |
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 ^ corpus ^ size (word count) ^  lemmas  ^ morphological tags ^  year  ^ characteristic features ^ ^ corpus ^ size (word count) ^  lemmas  ^ morphological tags ^  year  ^ characteristic features ^
 | **Parallel corpora** |||||| | **Parallel corpora** ||||||
-| [[en:cnk:intercorp|InterCorp]] ([[en:cnk:intercorp:verze13ud|release 13ud]], [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze16|release 16]], [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze16ud|release 16ud]]) |  5.3G |  (✓)  |  (✓)  |  2008–2023  | versioned parallel corpus for 61 languages |+| [[en:cnk:intercorp|InterCorp]] ([[en:cnk:intercorp:verze16|release 16]], [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze16ud|release 16ud]]) |  5.3G |  (✓)  |  (✓)  |  2008–2024  | versioned parallel corpus for 61 languages |
 | [[en:cnk:psalm77|Psalm 77]] |  10k |  (✓)  |  (✓)  |  2023  | parallel corpus of 11 versions of Psalm 77 in Romanian, Church Slavonic and Greek | | [[en:cnk:psalm77|Psalm 77]] |  10k |  (✓)  |  (✓)  |  2023  | parallel corpus of 11 versions of Psalm 77 in Romanian, Church Slavonic and Greek |
 | **Comparable corpora** |||||| | **Comparable corpora** ||||||