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en:cnk:totalita [2023/02/22 16:43] – created michalskrabalen:cnk:totalita [2023/02/23 14:53] (current) – [Totalita: Corpus of totalitarian language] michalkren
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 ====== Totalita: Corpus of totalitarian language ====== ====== Totalita: Corpus of totalitarian language ======
-The Totalita corpus is a diachronic corpus of written Czech covering the period of the communist regime (1948--1989), which served as the material base for the [[https://www.nln.cz/knihy/slovnik-komunisticke-totality/|Slovník komunistické totality]] (Dictionary of communist totalitarianism). The corpus was taken over from the CD accompanying the dictionary, and neither the metadata nor the lemmatization and morphological mark-up have been changed. This means that the annotation may not correspond to the contemporary standards of annotation of the CNC corpora; yet, on the other hand, it made it possible to preserve the results of demanding manual lemmatization that has been carried out before the publication of the dictionary.+The Totalita corpus is a diachronic corpus of written Czech covering the period of the communist regime (1948--1989), which served as the material base for the [[https://www.nln.cz/knihy/slovnik-komunisticke-totality/|Slovník komunistické totality]] (Dictionary of communist totalitarianism). 
 +The corpus was taken over from the CD accompanying the dictionary, and neither the metadata nor the lemmatization and morphological mark-up have been changed. This means that the **annotation does not correspond to the contemporary standards** of annotation of the CNC corpora; yet, on the other hand, it made it possible to **preserve the results of demanding manual lemmatization** that has been carried out for the dictionary.
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