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en:cnk:syn2020 [2020/12/27 12:12] – [SYN2020 Corpus] michalkrenen:cnk:syn2020 [2022/06/09 13:36] (current) – [How to cite SYN2020] jankrivan
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 ^ <fs medium>Name</fs> ^^ <fs medium>SYN2015</fs> ^ ^ <fs medium>Name</fs> ^^ <fs medium>SYN2015</fs> ^
 ^ Positions ^ Number of positions (tokens) |  121 826 797 |   ^ Positions ^ Number of positions (tokens) |  121 826 797 |  
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 | NFC: non-fiction |  33,33 % | | NFC: non-fiction |  33,33 % |
 | NMG: newspapers and magazines |  33,33 % | | NMG: newspapers and magazines |  33,33 % |
-[{{:en:cnk:nfc-en.png?direct&400|Composition of non-fiction (NFC) part of the SYN2015}}] 
-[{{:en:cnk:roky-nmg-en.png?direct&400|Proportion of traditional and leisure journalism within the newspapers and magazines in each year}}] 
 In line with its predecessors, SYN2020 contains a large variety of texts from various publishers within the given classification category. A category is defined by a combination of two variables: text type and genre. Proportions of the particular categories in SYN2020 are set arbitrarily, yet close to the original figures.  In line with its predecessors, SYN2020 contains a large variety of texts from various publishers within the given classification category. A category is defined by a combination of two variables: text type and genre. Proportions of the particular categories in SYN2020 are set arbitrarily, yet close to the original figures. 
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   * the boundaries for the synchrony of newspapers and magazines remains unchanged, i.e. the text must have been published in the period which is being mapped by the corpus (in the case of SYN2020 it is the period between 2015 and 2019).   * the boundaries for the synchrony of newspapers and magazines remains unchanged, i.e. the text must have been published in the period which is being mapped by the corpus (in the case of SYN2020 it is the period between 2015 and 2019).
-The resulting makeup of the corpus in no. of words over the years is summarized by the following graph. +===== Annotation of SYN2020: changes compared to other corpora of the SYN series =====
- +
- [{{:en:cnk:roky-en.png?direct&600|Proportion of fiction, non-fiction, newspapers and magazines in each year}}] +
- +
-===== Changes with respect to other corpora of the SYN series =====+
 ==== Tokenization ==== ==== Tokenization ====
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 ==== Multiple lemmatization and tagging (aggregate) ==== ==== Multiple lemmatization and tagging (aggregate) ====
-In the SYN2020 corpus, **multiple lemmas and tags** for a special group of words, so-called **aggregates**, are newly introduced. Aggregates are words that are written as one orthographic word in Czech, but from the point of view of syntax or specification of grammatical categories they behave as two orthographic words (exceptionally three). The aggregates concern conditional conjunctions (//aby//, //kdyby//), the connection of words with the the enclitical form //s// (//dělalas//, //viděls//, //komus//, //vždyťs//), the connection of prepositions with some pronouns (//nač//, //očpak//, //zaň//), or a combination of words of the last two types (//načs//). For each of these words, two (or three) lemmas, sublemmas, tags and verbtags are specified at the same time according to their respective parts. For detailed information on aggregates, see the aggregate page.+In the SYN2020 corpus, **multiple lemmas and tags** for a special group of words, so-called **aggregates** ("multiword tokens" in the [[https://universaldependencies.org/|Universal Dependencies]] terminology), are newly introduced. Aggregates are words that are written as one orthographic word in Czech, but from the point of view of syntax or specification of grammatical categories they behave as two orthographic words (exceptionally three). The aggregates concern conditional conjunctions (//aby//, //kdyby//), the connection of words with the the enclitical form //s// (//dělalas//, //viděls//, //komus//, //vždyťs//), the connection of prepositions with some pronouns (//nač//, //očpak//, //zaň//), or a combination of words of the last two types (//načs//). For each of these words, two (or three) lemmas, sublemmas, tags and verbtags are specified at the same time according to their respective parts. For detailed information on aggregates, see the aggregate page
 +==== Automatic corpus annotation ==== 
 +For SYN2020, the entire annotation process is automatic. Its detailed description including the annotation accuracy and a rich bibliography to both the tools and data can be found on a [[cnk:syn2020:automaticka_anotace|dedicated page]] (Czech only).
 ====== How to cite SYN2020 ====== ====== How to cite SYN2020 ======
-FIXME +<WRAP round tip 70%> 
-====== Related links ======+Křen, M. – Cvrček, V. – Henyš, J. – Hnátková, M. – Jelínek, T. – Kocek, J. – Kováříková, D. – Křivan, J. – Milička, J. – Petkevič, V. – Procházka, P. – Skoumalová, H. – Šindlerová, J. – Škrabal, M.: //SYN2020: reprezentativní korpus psané češtiny//. Ústav Českého národního korpusu FF UK, Praha 2020. Dostupný z WWW: http://www.korpus.cz 
 +Jelínek, T. – Křivan, J. – Petkevič, V. – Skoumalová, H. – Šindlerová, J. (2021): [[https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83527-9_4|SYN2020: A new corpus of Czech with an innovated annotation]]. In: K. Ekštein – F. Pártl – M. Konopík (eds.), //Text, Speech, and Dialogue.// TSD 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 12848. Cham: Springer, 48–59. 
 +Křivan, J. – Šindlerová, J. (2022): [[http://sas.ujc.cas.cz/archiv.php?lang=en&art=4508|Změny v morfologické anotaci korpusů řady SYN: nové možnosti zkoumání české gramatiky a lexikonu]]. //Slovo a slovesnost//, 83, 2/2022, 122–145.
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-[[en:cnk:syn|SYN]] • [[en:cnk:syn2000|SYN2000]] • [[en:cnk:syn2005|SYN2005]] • [[en:cnk:syn2006pub|SYN2006PUB]] • [[en:cnk:syn2009pub|SYN2009PUB]] • [[en:cnk:syn2010|SYN2010]] • [[en:cnk:syn2013PUB|SYN2013PUB]] • [[en:cnk:syn2015|SYN2015]]  
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