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en:cnk:syn2013pub [2016/12/11 10:51] veronikapojarovaen:cnk:syn2013pub [2021/03/16 11:29] (current) – [Structure of SYN2013PUB] jankocek
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 You can have them displayed using the menu item [[en:manualy:kontext:moznosti_zobrazeni|View options]] You can have them displayed using the menu item [[en:manualy:kontext:moznosti_zobrazeni|View options]]
-[{{:cnk:struktur_znacky.jpg?300|FIXME Structure units of SYN2013PUB.}}]+[{{:en:cnk:struktur_znacky_13pub.png?direct&400| Structure units of SYN2013PUB.}}]
 ====== How to cite SYN2013PUB ====== ====== How to cite SYN2013PUB ======