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en:cnk:registrova_klasifikace [2020/08/31 13:36] – [Narace: dynamický retrospektivní] veronikapojarovaen:cnk:registrova_klasifikace [2020/09/01 18:06] (current) – [Characterization of registers] michalkren
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 we defined 10 registers which cover the entire spectrum of texts, ranging from spoken to written, including online texts. Registers are assigned to the texts automatically based on the linguistic features which appear in the given text. we defined 10 registers which cover the entire spectrum of texts, ranging from spoken to written, including online texts. Registers are assigned to the texts automatically based on the linguistic features which appear in the given text.
-The names of registers have two components. The first represents a prototypical feature of the given group of texts, which should provide a better overall idea of the text type: this can be based on the type of discourse (//narration//, //argumentation//, //analysis//, //facts//), area of communication, format (//journalism//, //screenplay//, //question answering//) or the author's intent (//popularization//, //commentary//). The second part of the name contains specifying adjectives which characterize the register based on its prominent dimensions: the first adjective marks the basic distinction between dynamic and static texts, the second (or also third) adjective(s) descrive the additional features which are characteristic of the given register.+The names of registers have two components. The first represents a prototypical feature of the given group of texts, which should provide a better overall idea of the text type: this can be based on the type of discourse (//narration//, //argumentation//, //analysis//, //facts//), area of communication, format (//journalism//, //screenplay//, //question answering//) or the author's intent (//popularization//, //commentary//). The second part of the name contains specifying adjectives which characterize the register based on its prominent dimensions: the first adjective marks the basic distinction between dynamic and static texts, the second (or also third) adjective(s) describe the additional features which are characteristic of the given register.
 **Static registers:** **Static registers:**
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   - polythematic (+) vs. monothematic (–)   - polythematic (+) vs. monothematic (–)
   - higher (+) vs. lower (–) amount of addressee coding   - higher (+) vs. lower (–) amount of addressee coding
-  - related to the object / general (+) vs. related to the referent / particular (–)+  - general (+) vs. particular (–)
   - prospective (+) vs. retrospective (–)   - prospective (+) vs. retrospective (–)
   - attitudinal (+) vs. factual (–)   - attitudinal (+) vs. factual (–)
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 ==== Question answering: dynamic without addressee coding ==== ==== Question answering: dynamic without addressee coding ====
-This is one of the **dynamic** registers, with its most distinctive features being its **monological/unaddressed** (dimension 5) and **prospective** (dimension 7) character. We maz also mention its inclination to **spontaneity** (dimension 2) and **attitudinality** (dimension 8), which show a certain degree of interactivity and argumentativeness. It differs from the upcoming, also very spontaneous register (//conversation//), with a high level of **cohesion** (dimension 3).+This is one of the **dynamic** registers, with its most distinctive features being its **monological/unaddressed** (dimension 5) and **prospective** (dimension 7) character. We may also mention its inclination to **spontaneity** (dimension 2) and **attitudinality** (dimension 8), which show a certain degree of interactivity and argumentativeness. It differs from the upcoming, also very spontaneous register (//conversation//), with a high level of **cohesion** (dimension 3).
 == Excerpt == == Excerpt ==
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 ==== Screenplay: dynamic with addressee coding ==== ==== Screenplay: dynamic with addressee coding ====
-Charakteristickým rysem tohoto **dynamického** registru je především jeho extrémní míra **explicitní adresnosti** (dimenze 5). S tím souvisí i vyšší míra **spontánnosti** (dimenze 2), která spoluvytváří interaktivní charakter tohoto rejstříkuVýraznější je tento registr rovněž v dimenzi značící zaměření na **konkrétní** jevy.+A characteristic feature of this **dynamic** register is first and foremost its extremely high **amount of addressee coding** (dimension 5). This is also associated with a higher degree of **spontaneity** (dimension 2), both of which are instrumental in creating the interactive character of this registerThis register is also prominent in dimension with its focus on **particular** phenomena.
 == Excerpt == == Excerpt ==