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en:cnk:ksp [2024/09/13 11:16] – [How to cite C3P] michalskrabalen:cnk:ksp [2024/11/05 10:31] (current) – [The composition of C3P] michalskrabal
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 ===== The composition of C3P ===== ===== The composition of C3P =====
-C3P currently contains approximately 37.5 million running words. The print poetry subcorpus includes about 2.7 million words, coming from 20,498 poems printed in 682 poetry collections by 256 authors. The web component of the corpus contains more than 280,000 poems from six literary forums (liter.cz, pismak.cz, totem.cz, libres.cz, psanci.cz, xxvi.cz), comprising over 34 million words. The texts in the print subcorpus were selected with regard to the generational layers of the contemporary poetry scene. Currently, authors of Generations X and Y and baby boomers (i.e. all those born after 1945) are represented here, as we continue to expand the corpus towards older generations.+C3P currently contains approximately 37.5 million running words. The print poetry subcorpus includes about 2.7 million words, coming from 27,675 poems printed in 682 poetry collections by 256 authors. The web component of the corpus contains more than 280,000 poems from six literary forums (liter.cz, pismak.cz, totem.cz, libres.cz, psanci.cz, xxvi.cz), comprising over 34 million words. The texts in the print subcorpus were selected with regard to the generational layers of the contemporary poetry scene. Currently, authors of Generations X and Y and baby boomers (i.e. all those born after 1945) are represented here, as we continue to expand the corpus towards older generations.
 For details on building C3P, see the studies below. For details on building C3P, see the studies below.
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 ===== How to cite C3P ===== ===== How to cite C3P =====
 <WRAP round tip 70%> <WRAP round tip 70%>
-Piorecký, K. – Škrabal, M. – Jeziorský, T.: Korpus současné poezieverze 2.0 z 13. 9. 2024. Ústav Českého národního korpusu FF UK – Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR, v. v. i., Praha 2024. Dostupný z WWW http://www.korpus.cz+Piorecký, K. – Škrabal, M. – Jeziorský, T.: The Corpus of Contemporary Czech Poetryversion from 13. 9. 2024. Ústav Českého národního korpusu FF UK – Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR, v. v. i., Praha 2024. Dostupný z WWW http://www.korpus.cz
-Škrabal, M. – Piorecký, K. – Procházka, P. – Jeziorský, T.: Korpus současné poezieverze 1.0 z 29. 6. 2022. Ústav Českého národního korpusu FF UK – Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR, v. v. i., Praha 2022. Available from WWW: http://www.korpus.cz+Škrabal, M. – Piorecký, K. – Procházka, P. – Jeziorský, T.: The Corpus of Contemporary Czech Poetryversion from 29. 6. 2022. Ústav Českého národního korpusu FF UK – Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR, v. v. i., Praha 2022. Available from WWW: http://www.korpus.cz
 Piorecký, K. – Škrabal, M.: Vícejazyčnost v současné české poezii. Několik úvodních postřehů z korpusové perspektivy. Slovenská literatura 6/2020, p. 568--583. Piorecký, K. – Škrabal, M.: Vícejazyčnost v současné české poezii. Několik úvodních postřehů z korpusové perspektivy. Slovenská literatura 6/2020, p. 568--583.