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en:cnk:intercorp [2020/10/25 21:18] – [Description] - update v13 alexandrrosenen:cnk:intercorp [2024/10/01 10:42] (current) – [Description] alexandrrosen
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 ^ Release ^ Publication year ^ Number of words in millions((Total number of words in foreign texts)) ^ Number of foreign languages ^ Tagged / lemmatized ^ List of changes ^ ^ Release ^ Publication year ^ Number of words in millions((Total number of words in foreign texts)) ^ Number of foreign languages ^ Tagged / lemmatized ^ List of changes ^
-^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze13|Intercorp Release 13]]|  2020 |  1 551.2 |  40 |  27 / 25 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 13|Release 13]]  | +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze16ud|InterCorp Release 16ud]]|  2024 |  4 859,2 |  61 |  47 / 47 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 16ud|Release 16ud]] 
-^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze12|Intercorp Release 12]]|  2019 |  1 533.7 |  40 |  27 / 25 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 12|Release 12]]  | +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze16|InterCorp Release 16]]|  2023 |  4 893,0 |  61 |  27 / 25 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 16|Release 16]]  | 
-^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze11|Intercorp Release 11]]|  2018 |  1 508.4 |  39 |  26 / 25 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 11|Release 11]]  | +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze15|InterCorp Release 15]]|  2022 |  1 588.2 |  41 |  27 / 25 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 15|Release 15]]  | 
-^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze10|Intercorp Release 10]]|  2017 |  1,483.8 |  39 |  23 / 22 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 10|Release 10]]  | +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze14|InterCorp Release 14]]|  2022 |  1 572.0 |  41 |  27 / 25 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 14|Release 14]]  | 
-^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze9|Intercorp Release 9]]|  2016 |  1,460.0 |  39 |  23 / 20 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 9|Release 9]]  | +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze13ud|InterCorp Release 13ud]]|  2021 |  1 551.2 |  40 |  35 / 35 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 13ud|Release 13ud]] 
-^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze8|Intercorp Release 8]]|  2015 |  1,423.0 |  38 |  20 / 17 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 8|Release 8]]  | +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze13|InterCorp Release 13]]|  2020 |  1 551.2 |  40 |  27 / 25 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 13|Release 13]]  | 
-^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze7|Intercorp Release 7]]|  2014 |  1,390.0 |  38 |  20 / 17 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 7|Release 7]]  | +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze12|InterCorp Release 12]]|  2019 |  1 533.7 |  40 |  27 / 25 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 12|Release 12]]  | 
-^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze6|Intercorp Release 6]]|  2013 |  867.3 |  31 |  17 / 14 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 6|Release 6]]  | +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze11|InterCorp Release 11]]|  2018 |  1 508.4 |  39 |  26 / 25 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 11|Release 11]]  | 
-^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze5|Intercorp Release 5]]|  2012 |  542.6 |  27 |  17 / 14 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 5|Release 5]]  | +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze10|InterCorp Release 10]]|  2017 |  1,483.8 |  39 |  23 / 22 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 10|Release 10]]  | 
-^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze4|Intercorp Release 4]]|  2011 |  92.3 |  22 |  13 / 10 |   [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 4|Release 4]]  | +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze9|InterCorp Release 9]]|  2016 |  1,460.0 |  39 |  23 / 20 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 9|Release 9]]  | 
-^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze3|Intercorp Release 3]]|  2011 |  72.3 |  22 |  13 / 10 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 3|Release 3]]  | +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze8|InterCorp Release 8]]|  2015 |  1,423.0 |  38 |  20 / 17 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 8|Release 8]]  | 
-Intercorp Release 2|  2009 |  49.3 |  21 |  10 / 7 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 2|Release 2]]  | +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze7|InterCorp Release 7]]|  2014 |  1,390.0 |  38 |  20 / 17 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 7|Release 7]]  | 
-Intercorp Release 1|  2009 |  34.5|  20 |  10 / 7 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 1|Release 1]]  | +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze6|InterCorp Release 6]]|  2013 |  867.3 |  31 |  17 / 14 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 6|Release 6]]  | 
-Intercorp Release 0|  2008 |  25.0 |  19 |  0 / 0 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 0|Release 0]]  |+^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze5|InterCorp Release 5]]|  2012 |  542.6 |  27 |  17 / 14 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 5|Release 5]]  | 
 +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze4|InterCorp Release 4]]|  2011 |  92.3 |  22 |  13 / 10 |   [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 4|Release 4]]  | 
 +^ [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze3|InterCorp Release 3]]|  2011 |  72.3 |  22 |  13 / 10 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 3|Release 3]]  | 
 +InterCorp Release 2|  2009 |  49.3 |  21 |  10 / 7 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 2|Release 2]]  | 
 +InterCorp Release 1|  2009 |  34.5|  20 |  10 / 7 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 1|Release 1]]  | 
 +InterCorp Release 0|  2008 |  25.0 |  19 |  0 / 0 |  [[en:cnk:intercorp:historie#verze 0|Release 0]]  |
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 InterCorp can be accessed via a standard web browser from the integrated search interface of the Czech National Corpus [[en:manualy:kontext:index|KonText]] (previously also via [[pojmy:korpusovy_manazer#nosketch_engine|NoSketch Engine]] and [[pojmy:korpusovy_manazer#park|Park]]). There is a [[kurz:uvod|Czech tutorial]] on Kontext. InterCorp can be accessed via a standard web browser from the integrated search interface of the Czech National Corpus [[en:manualy:kontext:index|KonText]] (previously also via [[pojmy:korpusovy_manazer#nosketch_engine|NoSketch Engine]] and [[pojmy:korpusovy_manazer#park|Park]]). There is a [[kurz:uvod|Czech tutorial]] on Kontext.
-[{{:en:cnk:vyhledavani_ic_en.png?700|Specifying a parallel query}}]+[{{:en:cnk:vyhledavani_ic_en.png?700|Specifying a parallel query}}] \\
 [{{:cnk:intercorp1love.png?700|Result of a query for substrings //lieb// and //lov//}}] [{{:cnk:intercorp1love.png?700|Result of a query for substrings //lieb// and //lov//}}]
 ===== Contacts ===== ===== Contacts =====
-**Project coordination, technical support and web pages administration**: martin.vavrin(at mark)ff.cuni.cz+==== Project coordination, technical support and web pages administration ====
-**Project administration**alexandr.rosen(at mark)ff.cuni.cz, lucie.novakova(at mark)ff.cuni.cz+[[http://utkl.ff.cuni.cz/~rosen|Alexandr Rosen]]\\ 
 +[[http://utkl.ff.cuni.cz/|Institute of the Czech National Corpus]]\\ 
 +email: alexandr.rosen(at mark)ff.cuni.cz 
 +==== Discussion group ====
-**Discussion group**: intercorp(at mark)ff.cuni.cz - group address, please use only in justified cases+intercorp(at mark)ff.cuni.cz - group address, please use when appropriate 
 ===== Participants ===== ===== Participants =====
-==== Project administration ==== 
-[[http://utkl.ff.cuni.cz/~rosen|Ing. Alexandr Rosen, Ph.D.]]\\ 
-[[http://utkl.ff.cuni.cz/|Institute of Theoretical and Computational Linguistics]] 
-[[http://is.cuni.cz/webapps/whois2/osoba/1786818891712426/?lang=cs|Ing. Lucie Nováková]]\\ 
-[[http://ucnk.ff.cuni.cz/|Institute of Czech National Corpus]] 
-==== Software and technical support ==== 
-Bc. Martin Vavřín\\ 
-[[http://ucnk.ff.cuni.cz/|Institute of the Czech National Corpus]] 
-Mgr. Bc. Adrian Zasina, Ph.D.\\ 
-[[http://ucnk.ff.cuni.cz/|Institute of the Czech National Corpus]] 
 ==== Coordinators for specific languages ==== ==== Coordinators for specific languages ====
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 <WRAP round tip 70%> <WRAP round tip 70%>
-**Specific language combination**: Author1., Author2., Author3.((You can find the list of authors for each language in KonText in general information about a corpus, which will show by clicking on the name of the corpus under the KonText logo.)): //InterCorp – English, German ((Fill in the languages you use.)), Release 10 of 1 December 2017//. Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University, Prague 2017. Available from: http://www.korpus.cz+**Specific language combination**: Author 1, Author 2 Author 3((You can find the list of authors for each language in KonText in general information about a corpus, which will show by clicking on the name of the corpus under the KonText logo.)) (2022): //InterCorp – English, German ((Fill in the languages you use.)), Release 15 of 11 November 2022//. Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University, Prague. Available from: http://www.korpus.cz
-**Whole corpus**: Rosen, A. – Vavřín, M. – Zasina, A. J.: //InterCorp, Release 10 of 1 December 2017//. Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University, Prague 2017. Available from: http://www.korpus.cz+**Whole corpus**: Rosen, A.Vavřín, M. Zasina, A. J. (2022): //InterCorp, Release 15 of 11 November 2022//. Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University. Available from: http://www.korpus.cz
-Čermák, F. – Rosen, A. (2012): The case of InterCorp, a multilingual parallel corpus. //International Journal of Corpus Linguistics//, 17(3), 411–427. [[http://www.jbe-platform.com/content/journals/10.1075/ijcl.17.3.05cer|electronic version at IngentaConnect]], [[http://utkl.ff.cuni.cz/~rosen/public/2012_intercorp_ijcl.pdf|preprint version]]+Čermák, F. Rosen, A. (2012): The case of InterCorp, a multilingual parallel corpus. //International Journal of Corpus Linguistics//, 17(3), 411–427. [[http://www.jbe-platform.com/content/journals/10.1075/ijcl.17.3.05cer|electronic version at IngentaConnect]], [[http://utkl.ff.cuni.cz/~rosen/public/2012_intercorp_ijcl.pdf|preprint version]]
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 [[en:cnk:uvod|CNC corpora]] [[en:cnk:uvod|CNC corpora]]
-See [[http://ucnk.ff.cuni.cz/intercorp/?lang=en|the original InterCorp site in English]].+[[https://intercorp.korpus.cz/?lang=en|The original InterCorp site]]
 </WRAP> </WRAP>