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en:cnk:intercorp:verze16 [2024/06/06 21:26] – [See also] alexandrrosenen:cnk:intercorp:verze16 [2024/08/14 11:49] (current) – [How to cite] alexandrrosen
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 When citing a specific part of InterCorp please use the reference displayed in KonText in the corpus description, e.g. as: When citing a specific part of InterCorp please use the reference displayed in KonText in the corpus description, e.g. as:
-Rosen, A., Vavřín, M., Zasina, A. J. (2022). //The InterCorp Corpus – Czech((Insert languages actually used.)), version 15 of 11 November 2022//. Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University, Prague 2022. Available on-line: https://kontext.korpus.cz/+Rosen, A., Vavřín, M., Zasina, A. J. (2022). //The InterCorp Corpus – Czech((Insert languages actually used.)), version 16 of 11 November 2022//. Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University, Prague 2022. Available on-line: https://kontext.korpus.cz/
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