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en:cnk:intercorp:historie [2022/11/23 14:31] – [Release 14] alexandrrosenen:cnk:intercorp:historie [2024/10/01 10:41] (current) – [Release 16ud] alexandrrosen
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 ====== InterCorp: Version history ====== ====== InterCorp: Version history ======
 +===== Release 16ud =====
 +Published 17 September 2024
 +  * Contains the same texts as release 16
 +  * Mainly differs in the unified linguistic annotation of all languages according to the Universal Dependencies standard (cf. Release 13ud)
 +  * Metadata for each sentence and text now include measures of syntactic complexity, for each text also measures of lexical diversity
 +  * [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze16ud|Information about the corpus]]
 +===== Release 16 =====
 +Published 12 October 2023
 +  * The core now contains all texts planned and approved for 2022 and submitted by the deadline for this version
 +  * The number of words in all languages and text types has tripled from 1 798 million to 5 290 million
 +  * This is mainly due to the update of the Subtitles package, which now contains 4 001 million words
 +  * 20 new languages were added to Subtitles and thus to the corpus as a whole - the corpus now contains 62 languages (including Czech)
 +  * The number of words in all languages except Czech is 4 893 million, of which 387 million represents the core and 4 506 million the collections
 +  * The total number of words in Czech texts is 398 million, including 125 million core and 273 million collection
 +  * [[en:cnk:intercorp:verze16|Information about the corpus]]
 ===== Release 15 ===== ===== Release 15 =====