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en:cnk:baltischebriefe [2024/11/07 21:46] – [Baltische Briefe] michalkrenen:cnk:baltischebriefe [2024/11/08 12:23] (current) – [Baltische Briefe] michalkren
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   * parts of speech and morphology ([[en:pojmy:ud|Universal Dependencies]])   * parts of speech and morphology ([[en:pojmy:ud|Universal Dependencies]])
   * syntax ([[en:pojmy:ud|Universal Dependencies]])   * syntax ([[en:pojmy:ud|Universal Dependencies]])
-  * named entities ([[https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/nametag/2|NameTag]])+  * named entities ([[https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/nametag/2|NameTag]]) with locations that include coordinates and a reference to wikidata
 The corpus was compiled by Anna Baryshnikova with the technical support of the Institute of the Czech National Corpus and the financial support of the [[https://clsinfra.io/opportunities/tnafellowships/|CLS INFRA Translational Access Fellowships scheme]]. The corpus was compiled by Anna Baryshnikova with the technical support of the Institute of the Czech National Corpus and the financial support of the [[https://clsinfra.io/opportunities/tnafellowships/|CLS INFRA Translational Access Fellowships scheme]].