====== KonText interface: Version history ======
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The corpus interface KonText is designed for general interaction with [[en:cnk:uvod|CNC corpora]]. A comprehensive list of KonText’s available functions can be found in the [[en:manualy:kontext:index|manual]].
KonText is an extended and visually modified version of the original NoSketch Engine application. It is developed by the [[http://ucnk.ff.cuni.cz/en/|Institute of the Czech National Corpus]] (Faculty of Arts, Charles University) and the [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz|Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics]] (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University) under the **GNU GPL 2** license (with Tomáš Machálek and Martin Zimandl as the main developers). Just as the NoSketch Engine, KonText uses [[https://nlp.fi.muni.cz/trac/noske|Manatee]] as its backend.
The version history overview below contains only the most signicant changes as seen from the end-user perspective. **A complete list of all changes and bug fixes can be found on [[https://github.com/czcorpus/kontext/releases|KonText's GitHub page]]** which also hosts a complete source code repository.
===== Release 0.18.0 =====
//Publication date: 7.2.2024//
User changes:
* new **keyword analysis** module compatible with the [[https://kwords.korpus.cz/|KWords web application]]
* displaying **translation equivalents directly in a concordance** in parallel corpora by clicking on the selected word (new ''tokens_linking'' plug-in)
* possibility to download a **list of documents matching selected text types**
* JSONL as a **new optional format for storing the results** (concordance, word list, collocations, frequency list, document list), where each document line contains a separate JSON string -- the format is particularly suitable for further automated processing
* improved **linking from external applications** to KonText
* multi-step operations (e.g. query + filter) with the possibility of subsequent editing in respective query forms
* support for non-token filter ranges when linking to KonText (e.g. "from ''-1s'' to ''1s''")
* "Federated Content Search" module supports searching in multiple corpora at the same time
Technical changes:
* dropped support for Celery as the calculation backend (Rq remains)
* new internal HTTP client for querying external data sources (authentication, translation equivalents, etc.)
* improved installation script
* KonText uses (optionally) a custom modification of Manatee-open with more statistical measures for keyword analysis
===== Release 0.17.0 =====
//Publication date: 17.2.2023//
User changes:
* **enhanced and refined subcorpora**
* by default, every subcorpus is available to all users, addressing issues with URLs shared between users
* if a user does not provide a description, the subcorpus remains undiscoverable
* a subcorpus can be archived in which case all the URLs are still functional but the subcorpus won't be listed in author's subcorpora (unless explicitly specified in listing filter)
* on the concordance query page, users can create a **subcorpus draft** from selected text types for future use
* easily copy a subcorpus or create a new variant
* a new function displays graphically the **dispersion** of a search term across the corpus data
* highlighted **translation equivalents** (as retrieved from the Treq application) directly in the parallel concordance
* sharing **individual frequency tables through exported URLs**
* when a frequency result page contains multiple tables, users can now easily obtain URLs for each table to share or publish the table
* in the line selection function, users can navigate to the page with the **first selected line**
* for manually categorized lines in extensive concordances where the first selected line starts far beyond the initial page, this feature enables automatic location of the first selection
* customizable "nice" backlinks allow other applications to reference KonText results (available for easier integration with other applications)
* **detection of overly time-consuming queries** for large corpora (typically the ones producing large result sets) and suggestion of an alternative corpus
Technical changes:
* core web application framework changed from Gunicorn+Werkzeug to [[https://sanic.dev/en/|Sanic]]
* upgrade to React 18
* server backend rewritten with //async/await//
* checking of background tasks from the client side is now by default doe via WebSockets
* support for Manatee 2.2xx
* improved caching of frequency distribution results for faster navigation between result pages
* moved from HTTP sessions stored on server to [[https://jwt.io/|JWT]]
* possibility to apply individual "cutoff" for large concordances
===== Release 0.16.0 =====
//Publication date: 23. 2. 2022//
User changes:
* new query type: **paradigmatic query**
* enhanced "word list" query type
* improved user interface
* optimalization of saved results for faster subsequent access
* query history now supports all query types (concordance, word list, paradigmatic query)
* enhanced frequency distribution
* **graphical mode**
* special support for time-based distributions
* displaying of confidence intervals
* default display option can now be set by the user (tables vs. figures)
* enhanced audio playback
* possibility to shift the playback in time
* waveform display
* option to create a subcorpus directly on the concordance query page
* search suggestion with sublemma support (syn2020, syn_v9) and faster response
Technical changes:
* integration of a number of modules (e.g. "liveattrs", query history) with an internal database system
* reorganization of server code
* transition from CSS files to Styled Components
* Docker support
* support for automatic testing of the user interface
* removing unnecessary attributes from the configuration
===== Release 0.15.0 =====
//Publication date: 18. 12. 2020//
User changes:
* number of query types reduced to two:
* advanced (equivalent to the original "CQL")
* simple
* multi-word search
* optional support for regular expressions
* optional (per corpus) default search attributes
* new calendar-based widget for specifying date intervals in the "Restrict search" section of the main query form
* **syntax_viewer** plug-in enhancement -- added support for new features of SYN2020
* new **query_suggest** plug-in providing interactive help with writing a query
* **token_connect** plug-in can be now used also as a source for an alternative KWIC detail view
* added a new module "formatted text"
* **taghelper** plug-in now supports "key-value" tagsets and it is also possible to define multiple tagsets for a corpus
* new option for displaying additional positional attributes (below the main text tokens)
* possibility to set any positional attribute as the main one in the concordance view
* more user-friendly "Corpus-specific settings" module
* redesigned "Specify context" section of the main query form
* possibility to perform more complex queries (billion-word corpora, aligned corpora when querying only the primary language) without the web-server's time limit constraint
* an archived URL of a frequency distribution or a collocation can be now restored even for complex queries, regardless the web server time-out
Technical changes:
* server-side rewritten to Python 3
* added support for a new asychronous task processing backend [[https://python-rq.org/|Rq]]; the new backend is now the default one
* client-side rewritten using the same framework as in [[manualy:wag|WaG]]
* synchronization between the web server and the back-end worker queue rewritten in case of concordance calculation
* changes in HTTP API
===== Release 0.13.0 =====
//Publication date: 9. 12. 2019//
* rewrite of HTML templates to Jinja2
* transition to React.JS framework, which resulted mainly in extensive changes of the code and, to a lesser extent, also in user interface elements (e.g. corpus-specific view settings are now in three tabs)
* preparing future functionality support
===== Release 0.12.0 =====
//Publication date: 30. 10. 2018//
* translation equivalents based on Treq directly displayed in KonText for parallel corpora (set up for InterCorp v10 and v11)
* CQL editor with syntax highlighting and basic value validation
* mixed mode for attribute displaying (directly in text for KWIC, on mouse-over for other tokens)
* sharing a named subcorpus and its description with other users
* new filter functions
* nested matches filter
* first hits in docs filter
* asynchronous exports with notification
* improved keyboard navigation on the query result page
* possibility to minimize individual text type boxes in the subcorpus form
===== Release 0.11.0 =====
//Publication date: 15. 12. 2017//
* 2-dimensional frequency distribution with confidence intervals, including export of the data into Excel
* added support for undo in the interactive text selection
* added support for undo in the tag builder
* improved query history
* query history items can be archived with a custom name for later reuse
* full query form is now saved which includes also selected texts
* i.p.m. on demand calculation now works only in well-defined situations (i.e. subcorpus selected using the respective form, rather than a CQL query)
* chart depicting line group proportions can be exported into Excel
* word list
* more convenient upload and in-browser editing of uploaded black/white-lists
* it is now possible to go directly to the last page
* added support for hiding individual columns of parallel corpora in concordance view
===== Release 0.10.0 =====
//Publication date: 11. 4. 2017//
* for spoken corpora, concordance detail views are rendered as dialogues with clear indication of speaker turns and overlaps where audio can be played back by clicking the "speaker" icon
* documents for subcorpora can newly also be selected according to user-defined text type ratios
* individual query processing steps within the breadcrumb navigation can now be edited, allowing the user to change the parameters of previous operations
* working corpus can now be changed without losing other information from the current query form
* manually grouped concordance lines are now distinguished by colours
* web page titles contain query information (for use in bookmarks and better browser history navigation)
===== Release 0.9.0 =====
//Publication date: 26. 9. 2016//
* displaying of syntactic structures
* asynchronous creation of subcorpora including a support for creating alignement-based subcorpora from parallel corpora
* for attributes with long lists of values, a text input auto-complete function has been added for easier subcorpus creation
* positional attributes can be displayed also on a mouse-over
* navigation between concordance pages without reloading the whole page
* frequency distribution and collocation results are now cached on server for faster pagination
* user-defined numeric concordance line labels can be now renamed/removed
* added support for displaying line numbers in a concordance
===== Release 0.8.0 =====
//Publication date: 8. 3. 2016//
* concordance lines can have user-defined numeric labels attached for manual grouping/categorization
* i.p.m. calculation for ad-hoc subcorpora (on demand; previous versions calculated i.p.m. from the whole corpus which could have been confusing)
* support for creating subcorpora based on conditions that contain different structures (e.g. and )
* added a breadcrumb navigation depicting consecutive steps that led to the current query result
===== Release 0.7.0 =====
//Publication date: 5. 10. 2015//
* new widget for corpus selection including favourite corpora, featured corpora etc.
* rewritten "View" menu functions
* enhancements of user interface usability (e.g. adding an aligned corpus)