====== Lexical Diversity ====== InterCorp release 16ud is annotated by two measures of lexical diversity. They are specified as metadata for each text of sufficient length, for each linguistically annotated language. For languages which are not linguistically annotated, only one of the two measures is available: lexDivWord.((Note that for such languages the calculation of the lexDivWord measure is based on tokens rather than words, i.e. punctuation is not ignored. This is why the lexDivWord values may be lower than expected in comparison to other texts in linguistically annotated languages.)) See also [[en:pojmy:syntakticka_komplexita|measures of syntactic complexity]]. In KonText, they can be displayed and queried like any other metadata items about a text, such as author or text ID. * lexDivWord: average number of different word forms per 1000 tokens * lexDivLemma: average number of different lemmas per 1000 tokens The measures are based on the type-token ratio. They show the average number of different types (word forms or lemmas) in a moving window of 1000 tokens. If the text has less than 1000 tokens, the measures are not defined and the value of both attributes equals the underscore character (''_''). ===== References ===== [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nSPzyhT6oHKUDN8A_uYmWrZH6tAmxTH_pUMOdjg01Eg/edit?usp=sharing|InterCorp a Universal Dependencies: nové možnosti výzkumu]] (workshop 20. a 27. 3. 2024 v rámci Teoreticko-metodologického semináře Ústavu českého jazyka a teorie komunikace) [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L9yTjj0bTrGgf8lDcOAsJoJOoeYEoPEm/view?usp=sharing|Exploring InterCorp v16ud: the potential of a multilingual parallel treebank with complexity and diversity metrics]] (slides from the seminar at the University of Warsaw, 10 July 2024)