

The QuitaUp application was created in order to provide linguists and a wider range of users with a simple tool for calculating selected stylometric indicators that quantitatively express some properties of the text. This includes, for example, the calculation of vocabulary richness, thematic concentration or text activity.

The app is available online at: https://www.korpus.cz/quitaup/

The app is accompanied with detailed manual describing all implemented stylometric indices.

Input data

Uploaded texts must be in .txt, .docx, .doc, .odt, .rtf or .pdf format with Unicode encoding (UTF-8).


QuitaUp offers basic text-processing functions (tokenization, lemmatization, POS tagging, syntactic parsing). These functions are available for different languages (see the Language tab). This text processing is based on the UDPipe models (more on http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/udpipe).

Implemented indices:

How to cite Treq

Cvrček, V. – Čech, R. – Kubát, M. (2020): QuitaUp – a tool for quantitative stylometric analysis. Czech National Corpus and University of Ostrava. Available on WWW: <https://korpus.cz/quitaup/>