
GramatiKat is a corpus tool providing data for research into grammatical categories within fields of morphology, lexicology and lexicography. It can also be used in teaching Czech as a foreign language. One of its main functions is to observe the distribution of word forms within a specific grammatical category for either an entire word class or for a particular lemma in comparison with the word class. Interactive tables allow to search for lemmas with a missing word forms or with word forms which are unusually frequent. In the current version of the application, data on number, case and gender withing Czech nouns are available. In the future, adjectives and verbs will be added. The GramatiKat application contains detailed descriptions of each function that the user can navigate by.

Using GramatiKat, we can search for answers to the following questions:

The first version of the app is available at from 1 February 2021. Warning: The data in GramatiKat can change with a new version, so you need to refer to the specific version (the publication date of the version).

How to cite GramatiKat

Kováříková, D., Kovářík, O. : GramatiKat. FF UK. Praha 2021. Available at WWW: <>.