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en:eebo:morphology2 [2016/11/14 05:19] – [Searching the corpus] kristinavalentinyovaen:eebo:morphology2 [2016/11/22 10:50] (current) veronikapojarova
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 Derivational suffixes //-ity// and //-ness// are both used to form abstract nouns out of adjectives, e.g. pure and purity. While //-ness// is of Germanic origin and has been productive since Old English times, //-ity// is an etymologically foreign suffix which English borrowed from Latin thorugh French. Its foreign provenance is one of the reasons of its restricted productivity as foreign sufixes usually do not attach to  native stems. Derivational suffixes //-ity// and //-ness// are both used to form abstract nouns out of adjectives, e.g. pure and purity. While //-ness// is of Germanic origin and has been productive since Old English times, //-ity// is an etymologically foreign suffix which English borrowed from Latin thorugh French. Its foreign provenance is one of the reasons of its restricted productivity as foreign sufixes usually do not attach to  native stems.
-To find all of the abstract nouns that could be formed by addition of //-ness// and //-ity// we use the following query:+To find all of the abstract nouns that could be formed by addition of //-ness// and //-ity// we use the following (CQL) query :
 ''[word=".*ness"]'' ''[word=".*ness"]''
-We form similiar query for //-ity// suffix:+We form similar query for //-ity// suffix:
 ''[word=".*ity"]'' ''[word=".*ity"]''
 <WRAP round tip 40%> <WRAP round tip 40%>
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 |holiness|nobility| |holiness|nobility|
-Although the word //city// is listed first in  the list of node forms, //-ity// is part of the stem of the word, not a suffix. There are also some examples of numerals such as //thyrity// or //fity// which are not included in the list. When we compare two lists, it is obvious that //-ness// is added to the domestic stems and these words form the core if English lexis, while //-ity// words represent the vocabulary of higher register.+Although the word //city// is listed first in  the list of node forms, //-ity// is part of the stem of the word, not a suffix. There are also some examples of numerals such as //thyrity// or //fity// which are not included in this list. When we compare two lists, it is obvious that //-ness// is added to the domestic stems. These words constitute the core of English lexis, while //-ity// words represent the vocabulary of higher register.
 **Number of node forms** **Number of node forms**
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   * //-ness//:9038    * //-ness//:9038 
 The numbers of node forms for each of the suffixes are surprisingly similar, therefore it seems that productivity of //-ness// is not that much higher as the one of //-ity//. The numbers of node forms for each of the suffixes are surprisingly similar, therefore it seems that productivity of //-ness// is not that much higher as the one of //-ity//.
-However, this is not the whole story. Using, the EEBO corpus, we can also observe how did the productivity of these two suffixes alter over time. We just need to **Specify query according to the meta-information** in the main form and select the period within which we wish to search for node forms.+However, this is not the whole story. Using, the EEBO corpus, we can also observe how the productivity of these two suffixes alter over time. We just need to **Specify query according to the meta-information** in the main form and select the period within which we wish to search for the node forms.
 ^period^1420-1500^1500-1570^1570-1640^1640-1710^ ^period^1420-1500^1500-1570^1570-1640^1640-1710^
 ^-ness|7|101|710|8796| ^-ness|7|101|710|8796|
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 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +**If you are ready, you can continue to the final lesson in this series, [[en:eebo:multiword|Lesson 8]].**