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en:cnk:syn2015 [2020/09/01 17:34] – [Text classification] michalkrenen:cnk:syn2015 [2020/09/01 17:46] (current) – [Positional annotation and tagging] michalkren
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 Compared to previous versions there have been improvements in [[en:pojmy:lemma|lemmatization]] and [[en:pojmy:morfologicka_analyza|morphological tagging]]; both are almost identical to the processes used for the corpus [[en:cnk:syn2013pub|SYN2013PUB]], nonetheless SYN2015 was processed using the newest versions of all the tools (the improvements relate both to the morphological dictionary and to the rule-based [[en:pojmy:desambiguace|disambiguation]]). Furthermore, the lemmatization of punctuation marks has changed, preserving the form of the characters as much as possible.  Compared to previous versions there have been improvements in [[en:pojmy:lemma|lemmatization]] and [[en:pojmy:morfologicka_analyza|morphological tagging]]; both are almost identical to the processes used for the corpus [[en:cnk:syn2013pub|SYN2013PUB]], nonetheless SYN2015 was processed using the newest versions of all the tools (the improvements relate both to the morphological dictionary and to the rule-based [[en:pojmy:desambiguace|disambiguation]]). Furthermore, the lemmatization of punctuation marks has changed, preserving the form of the characters as much as possible. 
 +Last but not least, SYN2015 is the first CNC corpus featuring a **[[https://wiki.korpus.cz/doku.php/en:pojmy:syntakticka_analyza|syntactic annotation]]**.
 ====== How to cite SYN2015 ====== ====== How to cite SYN2015 ======