~~NOTOC~~ ====== Corpus SPEECHES ====== ^ Name | Speeches | ^ Number of positions (tokens) | 248 839 | ^ Number of positions (tokens) without punctuation and other marks | 217 314 | ^ Number of word forms (words) | 30 909 | ^ Number of lemmata | 12 522 | ^ Number of speeches | 151 | ^ Number of sentences | 11 208 | ^ Number of unique (different) speakers | 14 | Corpus of official presidential speeches has been created in cooperation between the CNC and [[http://www.hf.uio.no/ilos/english/|University of Oslo]]. It covers Czech presidential speeches given between 1918 and 2015 on the occassion of anniversaries and public holidays (New Year, 28 October etc.). Speeches is a small and specialized corpus of written-to-be-spoken mode. The corpus contains detailed structural markup describing the individual speeches and it is also lemmatized and tagged. ===== Citing Speeches ===== Cvrček, V. -- Truneček, P. -- Horký, V.: //Korpus prezidentských projevů Speeches//. Ústav Českého národního korpusu FF UK, Praha 2015. Available on-line: http://www.korpus.cz