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en:manualy:syd [2016/12/11 10:57] – [The Diachronic part] veronikapojarovaen:manualy:syd [2021/03/09 15:10] (current) jankocek
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 ====== SyD ====== ====== SyD ======
-{{ kurz:syd-logo.png?direct&200|}}+{{ :manualy:syd_logo.png?nolink&200|}}
 The SyD application (for the analysis of **Sy**nchronic and **D**iachronic variants) serves primarily to study competing linguistic phenomena. It serves as a supplementation of the more universal [[en:pojmy:korpusovy_manazer|corpus managers]], and can quickly and easily provide corpus results to lay users. As its name suggests, the application has two (essentially separate) parts:  The SyD application (for the analysis of **Sy**nchronic and **D**iachronic variants) serves primarily to study competing linguistic phenomena. It serves as a supplementation of the more universal [[en:pojmy:korpusovy_manazer|corpus managers]], and can quickly and easily provide corpus results to lay users. As its name suggests, the application has two (essentially separate) parts: