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en:cnk:schola2010 [2015/10/23 19:57] – created vaclavhorkyen:cnk:schola2010 [2020/05/07 19:28] (current) alexandrrosen
Line 8: Line 8:
 ^ Number of word forms (words) | 64 329 |   ^ Number of word forms (words) | 64 329 |  
 ^ Number of recordings of dialogues | 204 | ^ Number of recordings of dialogues | 204 |
-^ Number of utterances | 61 285 |+^ Number of speaker turns | 61 285 |
 ^ Number of speakers | 2410 |   ^ Number of speakers | 2410 |  
-^ Length of recordings in mins. | 8605 |  +^ Length of recordings in mins. | 8605((143.5 hours))|  
 </WRAP> </WRAP>